Sometimes a simple barrier in a heavy duty corrugated box can be enough. We have packed and shipped 100’s of paintings and artwork this way. Sometimes the value of the painting require special handling. Our fine art handling services include making custom crates for a wide range of objects including, paintings, sculptures, antiques, film props, and architectural models. A professionally equipped carpenters’ shop and a group of expert craters are dedicated to our crating department. Utilizing the latest and most sophisticated materials for wrapping and fabricating, our custom crates provide maximum protection. But more important is the experience. We have learned from experience to anticipate what can happen. We know the best carriers for handling high value items and we know how to crate for inevitables like load drops and forklift punctures. No shipment can survive a plane crash, however there is a lot that can be done to protect artwork against most incidents. There is always a tradeoff in costs. We will help you with deciding what works best for you including tips on how insurance can be less valuable than you hope.
We have done in home
- Auction sales
- Declared Value Assistance (Insurance)
- Custom Packing and Crating
- Variety of crating and shipping options
- Pickup and de-installation
- Paintings (as a franchise over 35,000/year)
- Sculpture
- Precious Objects
- Artifacts
- Ceramics
- Antiques
- Museum Collections
- All sizes of Artworks
- Antique Furniture